Informationen über die Fibroblasten Wachstumsfaktoren
Sie fördern:
- das Zellwachstum,
- die Kollagensynthese,
zudem erhöhen sie:
- die Spannkraft und
- Festigkeit der Haut.
What to know about FGFs: the science behind it
The fibroblast growth factors (FGF) consist of a group of growth factors called the FGF family. The FGFs are very important proteins, more specifically signal proteins, which regulate cell growth and the differentiation between cells. They also control and stimulate proliferation, migration and distinction of cells – particularly muscle cells and fibroblasts.
The most important product that the fibroblasts produce, is collagen. The collagen is synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The rough ER lets its own membrane grow and directs membrane parts to other sections of the internal membrane system. Once the fibroblasts are synthesized, they are the most important fiber component of the skin, bone, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels and teeth. They are responsible for the strength and tension of the skin’s surface. The collagen synthesis is stimulated by the FGFs, so that the skin retained longer smooth and wrinkle-free.
Until today, 23 members of the FGF group are known: FGF 1 to 23. In the 1970’s the first FGFs were discovered. Initially it was thought that they act exclusively on fibroblasts (the cells which are a major component of the connective tissue), they were named fibroblast growth factors. However, it was discovered later that FGFs have other and more general functions which influence almost all cells.
FGFs play a key role in embryonic development. In adults, FGFs control tissue-relevant processes and play an active role in wound healing and angiogenesis (the formation of new vessels). It also regenerates the nerves and cartilage tissue. The distinction between cell and tissue is not possible without FGFs. The receptors of the FGFs are located superficially on the outer cell membranes. The FGFs then carry signals to the cell interior. They also initiate healing and repair mechanisms of the body. The FGFs are essential in the wound healing process (eg. diabetic ulceration), since they, in particular FGF-1, act in a healing – promoting and accelerating manner.